Easter remembering


Make a plan to remember Jesus and what he means to you together as a family.

When Jesus had his last Passover meal with his friends, He broke bread and asked them to remember Him “whenever they did this”. The text isn’t clear whether He meant whenever you break a piece of bread, whenever you eat together, or whenever you celebrate Passover. However, it’s possible for us to remember Jesus using bread in any or all of these moments in life.

Make a plan of something your family could use to remember Jesus and what He means to you. Depending on your church tradition, you might like to use a version of bread and grape juice or choose something completely different.

Be creative, and remember it doesn’t have to be a long or complicated thing! Just take a moment to pause and remember Jesus.

You might like to say a prayer such as:

Thank Jesus that you took bread and asked us to remember you when we eat it.

Thank you for this bread and how it reminds us of you.

If you like this activity, you might like to look at this family Shabbat meal idea , some of these Passover ideas or the GodVenture Passover Workshop.

Looking for a fun, easy Easter activity?

These Easter puppets are simple to make and you'll have fun telling the story together using the storyboard.

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