Review: The God Files

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Title: The God Files

Created by: Andy Robb

Published by: Hodder Bibles

Price: £19.99

Useful for: children age 7+ years old

Best bit: Loads of useful notes and fun stuff all written in the style of spy notes. For example, Moses is Agent Moses, Genesis is The Genesis File.

Worst bit: As always, as a visual person, I’d like more picture (I always say this, don’t I!) There are 32 full colour pages which is fab, but there are still very text heavy – I’d’ve liked to see more of Andy Robb’s fabulous artwork as on the front cover.


This is the standard NIV Bible wrapped around with secret agent-style notes by Andy Robb. The cover is fun and engaging and the notes inside are fun and very readable.  The notes include great introductions to each book of the Bible, plus other information and jokes! Scattered throughout are Agent Profiles, giving a quick overview of lots of Bible characters, as well as thought provoking questions for thinking and chatting about.

The normal NIV Bible text isn’t my favourite, but is widely used, and there’s a lot to be said about a child having a Bible which is the same as others in their community.

I’d recommend this as an option to consider when looking for a full Bible for a child who is a confident reader as the text is normal adult Bible size.