Nativity flextangles


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All about Nativity flextangles

This is a super fun craft, perfect for older children and adults, and great for younger children to play with once it’s made.

I wouldn’t put an age limit on it, as we’re all different, but I think most under 7s will struggle quite a bit with this. Saying that, they will be able to do the cutting and maybe the folding, but will need help with the tricky gluing bit.

Download your templates, cut them out, fold then glue and you have a series of paper toys to help you share the Christmas story together.

The pdf has eight flextangles to make, one each for the following parts of the Christmas story:

  1. Zechariah and Elizabeth (Luke 1:5-25)
  2. Mary and the angel (Luke 1:26-38)
  3. Joseph and the angel (Matthew 1:18-25)
  4. Jesus is born (Luke 2:1-7)
  5. Shepherds and angels (Luke 2:8-21)
  6. Simeon and Anna (Luke 2:22-39)
  7. Herod and the wise men (Matthew 2:1-12)
  8. The escape to Egypt (Matthew 2:13-23)

The first page of the pdf has full instructions on how to make them and a link to see someone actually making a flextangle, which you will probably want to watch to get the hang of making them!

The first one you make is a bit tricky, but once you’ve seen how they go together, you’ll have a lot of fun playing with these nativity flextangles!

What do you DO with a flextangle?

Well, first you revel in the joy of having mastered creating them!

Then, you look at the pictures and see if you can work out which picture comes first in the section of the story you have. Next, turn the flextangle to reveal the next picture and the other two, while you invent your own telling of this part of the Christmas story. I’ve given you the Bible references in case you want to look it up in the Bible too.

Have fun!

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