10 Outside Places to Read The Bible or Pray


Sounds simple, but if you’re enjoying doing things outdoors, take your ‘God time together’ outside too. Maybe do what you usually do, or maybe try something a bit different. You may find the change in venue makes it different anyway, and perhaps allows you to pray or explore the Bible together at a different time of day.

We love having breakfast outside, and this lends itself easily to reading together as people are still finishing their food.

You could make a list of outdoors ‘places’ you’d like to do ‘God stuff’ together, and see how many you can tick off this summer. How about these for starters?

1. In a garden
2. In a park
3. On the beach
4. On a balcony
5. Up/under a tree
6. By a lake/pond
7. Near animals
8. In the sea!
9. On a hill
10. In/on a boat