How celebrating Passover could be good for your faith at homeWhy would you celebrate Passover if you’re not Jewish? Such a good question! We’ve been celebrating Passover for over ten...
Book Review: Faithful families for Lent, Easter and resurrectionFaithful Families for Lent, Easter and Resurrection Title: Faithful Families for Lent, Easter and Resurrection Author: Traci Smith Published by: Chalice...
A Family Passover CelebrationWe’ve celebrated Passover in our home for a number of years now, and each year it’s different, as we adapt...
Holy Week BoxesI don’t know about your children, but mine love things in boxes. So here’s an Easter activity in a box....
Passover Treasure HuntEach year we indulge in the lovely part of the Passover meal where an adult hides the afikomen, the broken...
Storyboarding a Bible storyThere are many great benefits to reading a big chunk of the Bible all in one go. We see many...
Why Didn’t Joseph’s Family Go Home After the Famine Ended? Insights From Exploring Passover as a FamilyAs part of our Passover preparations, we listened to the Exodus story (Exodus 1-15) using the NIVUK version on Biblegateway,...
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