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Online Extras: This page is full of extra resources for using alongside the Generosity edition of the Faith at home mini-mag.
#1 Video of the story of the generous widow
This is a simple cartoon version from Saddleback kids with an intro about the life and works of Jesus before getting to the widow's story.
Here's a 1 minute film version of the story. The only words spoken are those of Jesus, which is quite striking, although the language is quite old-fashioned.
Here's a nice contemporary version with sketches and a voice over.
Here's a cute version of the story as told by children while the story is in film. I like that it includes the children's ideas on what happens when we tithe.
Click here for the Queensway Kids version - a simple reading with cartoon pictures which includes a longer passage in Mark 12, and some commentary.
#2 Audio reading of the story of the generous widow from Luke 21:1-4
Click here for a a reading from the NIV UK version read by David Suchet.
Here's a different version read by a woman
#3 Generosity Mini-Mag Song List
Generous Giver from Vintage worship.
Love this song, Generosity, from Jerome Collins.
Generous God from Vineyard Worship.
Our God's Generous (with actions) by Nick and Becky Drake.
#4 Explore generosity family devotional
Simply download, print and off you go - a fun family devotional exploring generosity in the Bible. Get it here