Review: Life in Lockdown

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Title: Life in Lockdown

By: Olly Goldenberg from Children Can

Price: £2

Published by: Children Can

Good for: children age 4-10 years

Best bit: Great mix of fun puzzles with ways and exploring experiences and emotions about lock down in the context of relevant Bible verses.

Worst bit: Some pages are a bit text heavy for younger readers, but they can obviously do it alongside an adult.

More thoughts:

If you expected the inside of this book to be black and white and worksheet-like, you’ll be wrong! Inside it’s full colour, with loads of places to draw and write your own experiences. You will need one per person, but at £2 each, that should be a problem!

Olly has done a great job making something which is really useful in this season, and perfectly balanced the serious work of processing experience, remembering how things are and having fun with puzzles and doodles. It’s how children ‘do’ their spiritual work, not putting it in a separate compartment, but doing it in the same way they do everything else, integrating their lives in a holistic way.

There’s loads of Bible verses used to explore our response to lock down, including ones which encourage us to be kind and help others.

Anyone who fills in this journal will have a good opportunity to process their lock down experience and have something to look back on – and show the grand children!