Review: Reflection Roadmap

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Together at home resource for transition

Title: Reflection Roadmap

By: Jessica-Anne Jenner

Price: £2.50 each or as little as 35p when bought in bulk

Published by and available from:

Best bit: Lovely artwork, open-ended questions and space to reflect!

Worst bit: As a writer and a drawer, I would have liked spaces to write and draw without lines 😉

More thoughts:

This is a lovely booklet using Ecclesiastes to reflect on the last year and how our lives will be moving forward.

I love how it uses Ecclesiastes, as we rarely use this book of the Bible with children and families, yet it’s rich poetry is perfect for reflecting in this way!

I like how the design is bright but not overly bold, so that both adults and children can use it – both within a family and a congregation. It would be a really interesting resource to use in an intergenerational small group, or as part of a service together.

Inside are verses from Ecclesiastes (from the NIV), questions to chat and think about and space for writing reflections.

It’s short enough to use all at once, and enough that you could use it over a week or a month.

There’s also a family version (with family in the title) available to download, but personally I really like the printed one as it’s not pricey and gives it a feeling of a journal rather than a worksheet.