Title: Goodbye to Goodbyes: A true story about Jesus, Lazarus and an empty tomb
By: Lauren Chandler & Catalina Echeverri (I love how the author and illustrator make this book – as with many of her books, the pictures Catalina creates communicate so much of the story)
Published by: The Good Book Company
Price: RRP £8.99 (£7.64 here)
Useful for: parents of children aged 3–9 years
Best bit: Stunning images showing the full range of emotions experienced in the story, and the gentle, careful weaving of the story of Lazarus with the story of Mary and Martha, Jesus’ death and resurrection and our goodbyes.
Worst bit: I struggled to find the worst bit! The cover is very soft, which suits the book, but I wondered about its appeal to the age group. However, I think my least favourite page is the reviews, as there are LOADS and once you’ve picked up and opened this book, you really don’t need anyone to tell you it’s fabulous. I’ve been part of a team creating books about sickness and death, so I know how hard it is, and what a fine line it is to tread between hope and sorrow. This book does it well. You should get it.