

Get More: Extra resources to go with the Shepherd edition of the Faith at home mini-mag.

Here are the extras for this edition:

#1 Audio Psalm 23 playlist
#2 Psalm 23 songs playlist
#3 Psalm minicards PDF
#4 Psalm 23 Guided meditation mini-book PDF
#5 Psalm 23 reflections – exploring Hebrew words
#6 Explore Shepherds in the Bible devotional PDF
#7 Cecil and Psalm 23 – Lost Sheep special offer
#8 Shepherd and sheep live-cams!
#9 Find out about the Psalm 23 garden!


#1 Audio Psalm 23 playlist

Click here to get the full GodVenture playlist of Psalm 23 being read.

Here is a list of links to Psalm 23 being read by different people from different Bible versions:

#3 Psalm minicards

Click here to download a PDF of the Psalm 23 mini-cards postcard you get inside you mini-mag. If you print it back to back, you can make more postcards

#4 Psalm 23 Guided meditation mini-book

Click here to download a PDF of the My Psalm 23 mini-book you get inside you mini-mag. Print the two pages back to back, flipping on the long edge, then cut them into A5 pages, fold and staple together to make more copies of the mini-book.  Or you can order a pack of 10 mini-mags here, which each come with a mini-book.

5 Psalm 23 reflections – exploring Hebrew words

Here is an article where Victoria explores the meanings of the Hebrew words in Psalm 23, including how goodness and mercy hunt you down!

#6 Explore Shepherds in the Bible devotional

Click here to download a PDF of the Explore Shepherds in the Bible devotional. Print the two pages back to back and fold in the middle.

This devotional has ten Bible passages about shepherds, with open-ended questions and a challenge for each.

You could use it as a family, or in a small group, or even an inter-generational gathering, perhaps getting people into small groups to explore a passage each and feedback to the rest.

#7 Cecil and Psalm 23 – Lost Sheep special offer

Cecil and Psalm 23 is a brilliant exploration of Psalm 23 and we have a very special offer for you:

Get two Lost Sheep books for only £10. Follow this link and use the code LS5.


#8 Shepherd and sheep live-cams!

#9 Extra

Find out about the Psalm 23 garden!

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  1. A monthly email with faith at home encouragement and inspiration, a free download, seasonal faith at home activity ideas, reviews, discounts and freebies
  2. A bimonthly Faith at home mini-mag

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