Developing faith at home through open-ended activities

I love open-end activities. They provide choice and freedom which lead to deep exploration and creativity. They are easy to set up, are suitable for any age or size of group, and you can use the same materials each time. They provide a safe space to explore spiritual things including Bible stories and how they … Read more

Faith at home through play

Have you ever wondered what Jesus meant when He said we needed to become like little children to enter the kingdom of heaven? I think at least one of the things he may have meant is that we need to play. Daddy Pig (Father of Peppa) is an expert at everything. He is a skiing … Read more

Storyboarding a Bible story

There are many great benefits to reading a big chunk of the Bible all in one go. We see many themes better when viewing a story from a distance, and see how the characters and plot of one story fit into The Big Story of the Bible. It helps us not to take one verse … Read more