Celebrating Pentecost or the Biblical Festival of Weeks

Did you know that the Christian festival of Pentecost is on the Biblical festival of Shavuot, otherwise known as the Festival of Weeks? This Biblical festival comes from the Old Testament, where God’s people were told: “‘When you enter the land I am going to give you and you reap its harvest, bring to the … Read more

Give Thanks!

Psalm 136 starts with this familiar phrase: “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.His love endures forever.” Maybe it’s familiar because it occurs in lots of places in the Bible, including 1 Chronicles 16, Psalm 33, Psalm 106 and is repeated every other verse all the way through the 26 verses of Psalm … Read more

Keep it close

Outside our back door is a table and chairs where I’m aiming to eat as many meals as possible this summer. Next to the table is a big pot with salad leaves in it. I’ve found that, while my children in general avoid green food (except peas and olives!), they are much more interested in … Read more

A Short Exploration of HOPE in Hebrew

Over twenty years ago I spent nine months working in an orphanage in Mozambique. While I was there, I became aware of suffering and injustice I had never dreamed could exist, including the personal hardship of many beautiful people I met. I found it very hard to hold on to my faith in a loving … Read more

Why Pancake Day?

A little story from when my children were a bit younger “What’s pancake day all about?” I ask my 7 and 8 year olds over breakfast. “Pancakes!” my 7 year old replies gleefully. O-Oh. I have work to do here! “What else?” I ask. No response. “It begins with L and rhymes with Bent.”“Lent!” *phew! … Read more