Comparing Scars Community Art ProjectHave you ever compared scars with someone? Children in hospitals often do this to connect, using their bodies to share...
Comparing Scars Easter StoryGet a FREE printable version of these instructions here Purpose:to think about what the scars on Jesus’ resurrected body mean...
Seven Simple Ways to Celebrate EasterOver the years, we’ve celebrated Easter in many creative ways. (See my mega list of ideas here!) However, some years...
Listen to the Easter storyI’m a huge fan of listening to stories – I listen to books myself and my children listen both individually...
Why Pancake Day?A little story from when my children were a bit younger “What’s pancake day all about?” I ask my 7...
How celebrating Passover could be good for your faith at homeWhy would you celebrate Passover if you’re not Jewish? Such a good question! We’ve been celebrating Passover for over ten...
Toys to tell the Easter StoryMeet children at their level I’m a big fan of using toys to tell Bible stories. Since the Easter story...
36 of The Best Faith at Home Ideas for Lent and EasterLent can be intimidating. What can I do? Where do I start? Some people seem to get it together and...