10 Reasons I Love the Big Bible StorybookI did not write or edit it. I did not publish it. I do not sell it. But I’ve got...
Advent wreath prayersAdvent is the four weeks running up to Christmas. It is a time of expectant waiting and preparation and many...
Paddling pool prayersFill your paddling pool with water. As you fill it and wait for the water to be so icy cold,...
Trampoline prayersBounce on a trampoline, taking it in turns to be in the middle. All the people around the edge should...
DIY Christmas PlayPut on a simple fun play as a family, or with a few friends. Obviously, you can make up your...
30 Ways to Celebrate JESUS at Christmas – a quick introI’m so excited you’re looking at ways to celebrate Jesus at Christmas! I love Christmas! It’s a great time to...