Put on a simple fun play as a family, or with a few friends.
Obviously, you can make up your own play. Have fun with costumes and set! When my children were 7 and 9, they worked on doing a secret Christmas play together, but it was a bit tricky with only 2, and the 9 year old said the 7 year old didn’t learn her lines!

If you’d like a bit of help with plot, lines etc, here are some two ideas:
- Try out this short Christmas play based around numbers, called ‘Counting down to Christmas’. It’s not something you need to rehearse. Simply download the play and off you go. If your family enjoys dressing up, they could make some simple costumes – tea towels are always handy! Maybe this could be something to do on Christmas Day after all the presents are opened or when you meet up with extended family.
Use the Christmas Storybook which comes with every GodVenture Sticker Advent Calendar. All the spoken parts are in speech bubbles which makes it easy to give out parts to different people to read (and act!). We did this in our Christmas intergenerational service one year and it was a really fun way of reading the actual Bible text together.
For more ideas and Activities to explore at Christmas visit my 50 Faith at home ideas for Christmas here.