Challenge: Read the whole Easter story by Easter.
You have four gospels to choose from, so maybe pick the one you like or one you’re less familiar with. You could choose a different Bible version from that which you usually use. If you’re doing this with very young children, you might want to use a children’s Bible storybook (here are some of my faves for under 5s), but if they are 3+ consider using an audio Bible and see how they get on.
I’d recommend starting with Jesus going to Jerusalem and continuing to the end of the gospel, whichever one you choose. I’ve listed various versions below and if you click on one of the links, it’ll take you to the page of Biblegateway.com with options to listen to many of the translations, and many other translations to choose from.
Matthew 21:1 – 28:20 (approx 56 mins)
- NIVUK (the audio here is read by David Suchet)
- The Message
- The Authorised King James Version
Mark 11:1 – 16:20 (approx 35 mins)
Luke 19:28 – 24:17 (approx. 41 mins)
John 12:12 – 21:25 (approx 53 mins)
- The Jubilee Bible
- New International Reader Version (good for early readers)
- Contemporary English Version (great for listening to or reading aloud)
Questions to ponder as you read or listen
- Q I wonder what jumps out at you. What do you particularly notice?
- Q If you had to re-tell the story, I wonder which parts would you make sure you included.
- Q I wonder which part of this story is for you.
Ideas to help accomplish the challenge
You don’t have to listen or read it all in one go if you don’t want to. Do it by chapter, or read for a certain amount of time, just like you would a bedtime story.
You could print out or photocopy the text you want to read then use highlighter pens to assign different parts to different people in your family. You could have some people read what certain characters say, while others read the narrator.
Looking for a fun, easy Easter activity? These Easter puppets are simple to make and you'll have fun telling the story together using the storyboard. Available as a book or a download