Fruit salad prayer

fruit salad prayer

Have fun thanking God with fruit!

Choose four different types of fruit and make them in a chunky fruit salad. Easy options are strawberries, raspberries, grapes and blueberries. For a more sticky and use-immediately salad, you could add kiwi, banana, pear, or melon (and make sure you have wipes or a bowl of water handy!).

Take it in turns to pick a piece of fruit and say something you thank God for. You could say whatever prayers you want or theme the prayers according to what fruit you pick, e.g. thanks for… (strawberries) something which has happened this week, (raspberries) someone in particular, (grapes) something about God which you are thankful for, and (blueberries) something good in your life.

Older children may enjoy using fondu or chop sticks to pick out the fruit, while younger children will need simpler themes such as thank you for … Daddy, Mummy, my brothers / sisters, my pet, my house, my clothes.

Make an occassion of it by making a fruit cocktail tree with the fruit on cocktail sticks stuck in an orange (see pic).