1000 hours outside

… is good for your faith! We’re currently in our second year of doing #1000hoursoutside. Whenever I tell people we’re doing it, they either say, Oh yes, we probably do about that each year. I then ask them really? It’s just over 3 hours a day EVERY DAY, including the days it’s super cold, windy … Read more

DIY Christmas Story Photobook

Free Download! I love making books (being a publisher, that helps!) so here’s a way to make your own Christmas story photobook. We often make photobooks with FreePrints which print 20-page photobooks for reasonable prices. All you need to do is download their phone app, upload the photos and wait for your luscious new book! … Read more

A new type of Christmas?

This year we may well have to change how we celebrate Christmas. Large gatherings and community singing won’t be easy, so let’s be creative and start thinking about what we want to achieve in our Christmas celebrations, and start thinking of new ways to celebrate. One of the things I love most about Christmas is … Read more

Explore Passover

Everything you need to explore Passover, the story, the traditions, the symbolism and how it relates to your faith. After checkout you will have access to pdfs downloads and webpages to help you and your family explore Passover and deepen your understanding of Jesus and the events we remember at Easter. The materials are available … Read more

Advent Party Pack – FREE SAMPLE

GodVenture Advent Party Pack is an exciting new product, 46 page downloadable pdf with all the information you need to run a brilliant Advent party to inspire and equip families to celebrate Jesus at Christmas. This is a sample of this pack to give you a flavour. You will be sent a link to download … Read more

Thanktober thanks prompts jpgs

This is a free download with 30 Thanks prompts as separate jpg files for you to share online. These are the same as those on this POSTER. Just go through the checkout and you’ll be able to download them all and share them. Thank you!

The best books I’ve ever made

Ten years ago I help make the best books I’ve ever made: the Held in Hope series. At the time I was working for Christian Education, and Paul Nash contacted us to ask if we could work with them to produce a book for sick children. I went to visit him at Birmingham Childrens’ Hospital, … Read more

Transition to a new normal?

Transition is particularly hard when we’ve already been through a difficult time, don’t really know if where we’re going, and are pretty sure there will be more difficult times ahead. We had all hoped that corona would come and go and things could go back to normal, but sadly that’s not going to happen. If … Read more

How celebrating Passover could be good for your faith at home

Why would you celebrate Passover if you’re not Jewish? Such a good question! We’ve been celebrating Passover for over ten years now. Our children have grown up in a home where it’s the norm and each year we’ve invited other people to join us. In some ways, we celebrate Passover because we celebrate a weekly … Read more

Long Stories for Long Summer Days

I love using the seasons in our faith at home. This is fairly easy in the run up to Christmas and Easter, and in the Autumn we celebrate the Biblical feasts. However, between Pentecost and October, there’s a dearth of significant markers. However, the natural ‘calendar’ is often useful, and in the summer our days … Read more


#Thanktober is a simple idea: Let’s be thankful for something every day and grow our ‘thanks muscles’. I started it a few years ago, and each year I share a thanks prompt each day on Facebook and Instagram, so do pop over and say hi, like a few and comment on a few posts to … Read more