JOY Faith at Home Mini-Mag

This JOY edition of the Faith at Home mini-mag is full of fun, family, faith at home activities exploring JOY, especially the verse from Nehemiah 8:10: “The joy of the Lord is your strength.”  Each mini-mag comes with three A5 postcards and a sheet of stickers to help you do the 12 faith at home … Read more

Thankful June

A simple way to practice being thankful, Thankful June has a box for you to add something you’re thankful for each day in the month. Just add one thing you are thankful for each day into one of the boxes. Or go wild, and try getting in three! You will get immediate access to the … Read more

GodVenture Joy Box

This GodVenture Joy Box contains 15 fun, family faith at home activities, with instructions and kit delivered in a box to your home. It’s perfect for families with children age 3-12 years old, with things for older children and adults too! You can buy a box and have it delivered as a gift – just … Read more

Easter Story Cards

These cute collectable cards give you loads of options to share the Easter story with children – use them at home, in a group or an Easter service! Each cards has a picture of a scene from the Easter story, from Palm Sunday to the empty tomb. On the back is a one line story … Read more

Bible Story Dice

I came across story dice a few years ago, and have wanted to make a Bible story set for ages, and I’ve finally worked out how to do it, so here they are! As there as 6 sides on each die, I think that 3 dice is probably enough. I’ve kept the pictures simple and … Read more

Multi-media Bible exploration

What do you think of when you hear the word multimedia? Do you think a video projector? Lights and smoke? Complex editing suites or mixing desks? In art, multimedia means the artist using more than one fom of art in their work, for example using clay in a painting, or music with a sculpture. Wiki … Read more

No-grow Easter gardens

Making an Easter garden is a great way to share the Easter story together. We made ours after my daughter decided to collect a selection of things from the garden when we were outside on a sunny Spring day. I added a biscuit tin lid, lemon and cumin glitter playdough, some play people and we were … Read more

Your Question: Lent & Easter for Non-Christian Families

This week I was asked by a friend on Facebook: “I’d like to start introducing the children to Christianity but no idea where to begin. I thought pancake day/lent/ easter would be a good place to start. Do you have any recommendations for a family of non-Christians?? I have a good understanding of the Bible/the … Read more

Be Thankful

When things are difficult, it’s good to focus on good things in our lives. This isn’t to ignore the serious situations we’re facing, but to remember that God is good, and that evil is not the only thing at work! I find thinking of three things I’m thankful for each morning really helps re-calibrate my … Read more

Tell it where it happened Easter story

Easter geographical re-telling

Have fun seeing if you can re-tell parts of the Easter story in similar locations to where the Biblical events took place. Now, I’m not suggesting going to Israel, although that would be a pretty cool field trip!  No, I’m meaning the types of places in which different parts of the Easter story occur, such … Read more

Wooden spoon Bible stories

wooden spoons with faces drawn on them for a story

Draw faces on wooden spoons and use them to tell Bible stories! We created these together, making a collection of men and women (and some other odd characters!). We tried out using a pyrography pen, but a) it was very VERY hot so I didn’t feel comfortable letting my 8 and 10 year olds use … Read more