Bible story with toys or The Day Jesus Went to Peppa Pig’s House

What are your children’s favourite toys at the moment? Why not use them to explore a Bible story together? My girls are currently into their dolls house, so we used it to tell the story you’ll probably know as ‘man through the roof’. See below for my pictures of the following story: We started with … Read more

Meringue meditation

Here’s a way to allow children to experience a Bible verse and think about it. It takes a bit of preparation but children will love it! Make meringue and pipe it in the shape of these words from Psalm 119:103: “Your teachings are sweeter than honey.” (See below for the meringue recipe.) Read the verse … Read more

Bible with picture signs

Make picture/word signs of keywords and challenge everyone to hold them up as they hear each word in the passage. This activity works well with non-narrative passages, such as John 6 which is where Jesus says: I am the bread of life. It’s a good way to help people pay attention to the words, and … Read more

DIY Christmas Play

A family Christmas play

Put on a simple fun play as a family, or with a few friends. Obviously, you can make up your own play. Have fun with costumes and set! When my children were 7 and 9, they worked on doing a secret Christmas play together, but it was a bit tricky with only 2, and the 9 … Read more