Discovering Saints Days as Part of Our Faith at Home

Maybe it was because I grew up in a protestant, evangelical tradition that I always thought anything to do with the saints was kind of catholic and probably a bit wrong. A few years ago, I went on a Godly Play retreat in which we explored twelve saint’s stories. To be honest, I wasn’t keen … Read more

Saint Valentine’s Day

Each year, we explore the story of Saint Valentine a little bit, and then we make cards and sometimes edible gifts to let our friends know they are loved. The story of Saint Valentine is a bit gory and sometimes a little x-rated, so if you plan on sharing a short youtube video, be sure … Read more

Research and Celebrate St Nicholas

One thing we’ve found helpful during December is to celebrate Saint Nicholas. There are lots of lovely story books out there about him, and his story is a combination of fact and myth. What I love is that our traditions of gift giving and specifically Father Christmas are linked to him. I really like this … Read more