This month I’ve been doodling my thanks to God, each day aiming to draw three little symbols or pictures of things I’m thankful for.
I find it helps focus my heart in the morning, making me aware of the good things right now in my life, and connecting me with The Giver of Gifts.
I love how it’s great for looking back at all the good things too, particularly on days when even three things seem tricky. Ever have those?!
I’ve also discovered the value I place on certain things as they pop up more than once (the guides I’ve set myself are that my three things must be things from the last 24 hours but not necessarily unique to this month).
Have you ever tried something like this, either on your own or as a family? You could have it up as a poster in the kitchen, with a pencil close by and encourage people to add to it whenever they like. Or have to add to it as part of your regular meal time or weekly family get-together. You could do it weekly over Saturday morning breakfast, whatever works best for you and your family.
Perhaps drawing and doodling isn’t your thing. How else could you adapt this idea? Could you have an Instagram hashtag you use as a family to post pictures of things you’re thankful for? #Beechfamilythanks Could you write a list? Could you speak out your prayers of thanks? Or sing them? (Thank you, Lord, for this fine day, for …)
What would your thanks look like?