This is a really simple, seasonal prayer activity to do as a family at home:
When you see something looking beautiful because it’s covered in frost, praise God for it:

- Go outside when there’s frost. A walk somewhere would be nice, but it will work even if it’s just for a minute between your house and the car.
- Challenge everyone to look around and find the thing they think is most amazing/beautiful/cool covered in frost.
- When they see something, they should shout a praise prayer. This could be: ” Wow, God that’s so amazing/beautiful/cool” or a simple, short: “Wow!”
You may well find younger children are good at this as they often have a better connection to awe and wonder. Don’t limit their prayers by making them verbal – they can just be sounds of delight! God can hear and translate!
If you have time, compare notes about the amazing frosty things you saw. You could say a one-line prayer of praise and thanks to God for those things.
Another way to use frost in prayer is to use the melting as an image of God’s forgiveness, similar to “as far as the east is from the west” (Psalm 103:12) or “though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow” (Isaiah 1:18):
- Find a surface covered in frost.
(A car works well!) - Draw or write something in the frost which you are sorry for doing or saying.
Alternatively, it could be something you would like God to change in you (for example, impatience.) - Say a short prayer, either out loud or silently, telling God about this thing and asking him to forgive you.
- Go back later when it’s melted to see what’s left – remind yourself this is how God forgives us