Doing Autumn the Leviticus WayEvery Autumn, there’s a distinct feel of New Year in the air. Whether you have school children in your home...
Dip Your Apples in the HoneyDip some juicy apples in honey to celebrate New Year! Yep, in the Bible (as with northern hemisphere school), New...
Two Types of Frosty PrayersOne This is a really simple, seasonal prayer activity to do as a family at home: When you see something...
Review: The VisitorsTitle: The Visitors Author: Clare Thompson Price: £8 Published by and available from: Get Naturally Creative Good for: parents or people...
The trees are on fire!It seems this year that Autumn is particularly spectacular. The horse chestnuts seemed to go brown overnight a few weeks...
Top Tree praiseLook out for special looking trees this Autumn and when you spot one, praise God for it. You could play...
Using loose parts to play Bible storiesI was recently looking at the Benedictus, otherwise known as the words Zechariah says on the birth of his son,...
Conker reflectionI don’t know about you, but I’ve got a lot of conkers in my house this Autumn. It seems to...