Set up a tent in the garden and share a Bible story together inside it.
Here’s three tent-based Bible stories you could share in your tent:
Abraham and Sarah are visited by three angels Genesis 18:1-15
Moses and the the tent of Meeting Exodus 33:7-11
The siege of Samaria 2 Kings 6:24- 7:20 (ends with a gruesome bit!)
This activity is particularly relevant for the festival of Tabernacles, when Jews celebrate, among other things, God’s provision for them when they lived in the desert. However, a tent is a fun way to explore lots of different Bible stories and I find that the change of venue stimulates different focus and participation.
We like to have a tent in the garden in summer as it gives us a lovely space to play. But we also sometimes put one up in the Autumn for the feast of shelters or tabernacles* and have a snack in it along with the story of God’s people living in tents in the desert. It’s always inspiring to hear about God’s provision of everything they needed including never-wear-out-shoes! (* I love the word tabernacle as it translates as ‘dwelling’ … as in “The Word was made flesh and made His dwelling among us”)
I’ve used a tent for a story about the tent of meeting. We had a series of sheets hung on lines with pegs to make the tabernacle then a small tent in the middle of it for each child to go into on their own to spend a few minutes alone with God.
So don’t put your tent in the loft yet!
Explore and celebrate more Autumn feasts in your home with the GodVenture Autumn Feasts Resource Pack