

Welcome to the page with all the links, downloads and activities for the Blessing Faith at Home Mini-Mag! I hope you'll find all you need here, but if not, drop me a line here.




Blessing Extra - 6 family devotional sessions

GodVenture Blessing YouTube Playlist including

  • lots of versions of The Blessing song, including in Makaton and Hebrew
  • instructional video on how to make friendship bracelets for Blessing bracelets
  • a short but excellent film about the word 'peace' in The Blessing in the Bible by the Bible Project



Blessing Extra - 6 family devotional sessions

This is a double sided A4 sheet with 6 short, creative family devotion sessions, each exploring one phrase in the blessing from Numbers 6.

There is a related Bible passage to read together and questions to help you chat about it, plus a challenge.

You could use this in an all-age or intergenerational small group, letting people use the questions and activities to explore the verses together.

Blessing Postcards for colouring and display

You can download colouring versions of the blessing Bible verse from Numbers 6 here.

There are three pictures to colour, with one line of the blessing on each.

You might like to do all three and put them up at home to remind you of God's blessing.

Print your own Bible mini-cards

Download and print your own extra sets of Blessing Bible mini-cards.

You might want to give one each to everyone in your family, or share with a friend, or use one for bunting while having the other ready for your treasure hunt.

Blessing treasure hunt clues

Print this sheet which has three options of treasure hunt clues depending on the age and ability of your search-ees!

Click here for Shrinkit instructions and design ideas

To make Shrinket blessings, you need Shrinket film and keyrings. The instructions here let you know what to do with them and offer ideas for designs. You might want a few copies of this if you have more than one person working on Shrinkets at the same time.



Fun ways to learn a Bible verse together

This article gives you ten fun ways you can explore and learn Bible verses together as a family, getting familiar with the meaning and finding connections with your lives.


Bubbles blessings

This article gives some great ways to pray with people of all ages, including very young children.
