Lego nativity

A few years ago my children were really into Lego, so I planned some ways to explore the Christmas story using Lego. You can buy a set online but, like these ones, they’re not cheap and only feature a small number of the characters actually mentioned in the Bible story, so here are a few … Read more

8 ways to use the Nativity I-spy Colouring Poster

I love colouring and I love Christmas, so this Nativity I-spy Colouring Poster is a perfect combination. I’m also a big fan of using the activities we do around Christmas to celebrate Jesus in some way, so here are some ideas on how you can use this colouring poster: 1 Just colour it. Use it … Read more

Pentecost = Church Birthday?

Some people celebrate Pentecost as the birth day of the church. You could do this by having a birthday cake and singing happy birthday to the church! You can make or buy a cake, or use muffins or whatever works best for you. You might have fun trying to work out how old The Church … Read more

Pentecost fire!

When the Spirit came to God’s people at Pentecost, they saw what looked like flames of fire land on each of them. Choose a way to watch flames safely. You could: • light some tealights • light birthday candles • have a BBQ • light a fire in a fire pit • watch a video … Read more

Pinwheel Prayers

At Pentecost, when the Spirit came God’s people heard a sound like a rushing wind. Acts 2:1-2 Jesus also said: “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” John 3:8 Let’s use the wind … Read more

10 fun Bible and prayer activities to do outside

I’ve talked a lot recently about how being outside is a great way to worship and connect with God see HERE and HERE. Since it’s now Summer, the bees are busy and we have fewer and fewer excuses not to spend time outside. So I thought I’d share some ideas for focused faith activities which … Read more

Review: Wingfeather Tales

Title: Wingfeather Tales – seven thrilling stories from the world of Aerwiar Editor: Andrew Peterson Authors: Andrew Peterson, Jennifer Trafton, N. D. Wilson, A. S. Peterson, Jonathan Rogers, and Douglas McKelvey Illustrations: Justin Gerard, Hein Zaayman, Cory Godbey, John Hendrix, Nicholas Kole, Aedan Peterson, Joe Sutphin, Jay Myers, and Doug TenNapel Published by: Hodder Faith Price: £12.99 Good for: Anyone who’s enjoyed The … Read more

Easter Story Treasure Hunt

Here’s a really simple, fun and meaningful Easter activity – an Easter story treasure hunt. It’s created to work with your family at home or as part of a group or service – anywhere you want to have fun while exploring the Easter story together. You can source your own pictures, but to make it … Read more

Celebrating real love

I find it really sad that in our culture, Valentines Day has become just a way to celebrate romantic love. In many languages (including those in the Bible), there are multiple words for ‘love’, demonstrating the different types of love and different types of relationships which involve love. The most classic passage in the Bible … Read more

Review: At home in Lent

Title: At home in Lent Written by: Gordon Giles Published by: BRF Price: £8.99 Useful for: young people and adults Best bit: a simple, daily three page read for each day in Lent, each taking a different every-day item as its theme Worst bit: as a big fan of audio books, I’d love an audio version to … Read more

A Family Passover Celebration

We’ve celebrated Passover in our home for a number of years now, and each year it’s different, as we adapt it around who will be there. We tend to have a big feast-like meal interspersed with parts of the service (seder). We include elements which we use each week in our Shabbat meal, for example … Read more

Bible story treasure hunt

In the summer, lots of families have more flexible time which you could use to do a treasure hunt style Bible exploration. Create a simple treasure hunt by choosing a series of locations, depending on the age of your children and the time you have available, and hide a section of the story you want … Read more