a beautiful version of the Christmas story Title: On Angels’ Wings Author: Michael Morpurgo Illustrator: Quentin Blake Published by: Egmont UK RRP: £5.99 or only...
Title: 31 Bedtime Prayers and Poems Author: Steve Legg and Jude Simpson Illustrator: Andy Gray Published by: SCM Price: Hardback £9.99 Softback £7.98 Good for: Families...
Title: Abigail: a story book in the Mighty Girl, Mighty God series Author: Lucy Rycroft Illustrator: Andy Gray Published by:Â The Hope Filled Family...
Title: Wingfeather Tales – seven thrilling stories from the world of Aerwiar Editor: Andrew Peterson Authors: Andrew Peterson, Jennifer Trafton, N. D. Wilson, A....
Title: Breathe – child’s guide to Ascension, Pentecost and the growing time Author: Laura Alary Illustrator: Cathrin Peterslund Published by: Paraclete Price:...