Fifteen FUN Easter activities for children and familiesEaster gives us lots of opportunities to explore the Easter story of Jesus’ death and new life as we celebrate...
Seven Simple Easter Activities for Children and FamiliesOver the years, we’ve celebrated Easter in many creative ways. (See my mega list of ideas here!) However, some years...
Tell the story with Easter puppets!A few years back, I was sharing this activity about making Easter puppets by cutting pictures out of a book...
Listen to the Easter storyI’m a huge fan of listening to stories – I listen to books myself and my children listen both individually...
Peppermint Cream StarsOne thing I enjoy doing are simple craft activities which link in with the Christmas story in some way, giving...
50 Faith at Home Ideas for ChristmasChristmas is a great time to celebrate Jesus. However, it is also a very busy time, so we need to...
Praying with Christmas lightsThis is a simple adaption of something lots of families do each year: Go and see the lights. I remember...
24 Christmas BooksWrap up 24 Christmas-y books then unwrap and read one a day during Advent. All you need to do is...