This simple idea is the perfect way to slow down and connect with God.
Walking a labyrinth is an ancient way to pray, using your body to help you focus and go slow. You can read more about the history of labyrinths here but the best way to discover them is to walk one!
In order to make this an activity you can do anywhere, anytime, instead of physically walking it, we’re going to walk it with our fingers.
A labyrinth is different from a maze. You cannot get lost in a true labyrinth. Instead, there is one path which leads to the centre, and usually, you turn around and follow the same path back.
Creating the path of a labyrinth is easier than you might think. Simply download this sheet and follow the step-by-step instructions.
To walk a labyrinth prayerfully, it is helpful to have a single thought or phrase to think or meditate on, as you make your way in. Then something to say or do in the centre followed by a different thought or phrase to ponder on the way out.
For example:
- On the way towards the centre, think back over the last 24 hours and notice the presence of God in big and small things.
- When you get to the centre, pause and give thanks.
- As you journey out, commit the next 24 hours to God, being specific about the things which are planned during that time.
- When you get to the end you can say “you are the way the truth and the life” or “you are my shepherd, I shall lack nothing” or some words that assure you of the presence of God going before and with them in it all.
If you want to spend longer you can also have a few spots on the path where you pause and pray or do something too.
For example:
- Place a red spot to pause and say sorry for something.
- Place a green spot to pause and give thanks for something in nature you appreciate.
- Place a yellow spot to pause and pray for someone hurting.
I have made walking labyrinths out of cloth, bricks and masking tape on a church floor, but to make it finger size I have used:
- drawing a labyrinth with Sharpie on a piece of linen cloth (I got this idea from Rev Rhona Knight). She also says: If you keep your labyrinth pocket size, you can keep it with your during the day then use it whenever you notice yourself getting a bit stressed / anxious/low which I thought was a fab idea.
- drawing a labyrinth on a piece of card then covering the lines with hot glue from a glue gun to give a raised path to follow with your finger
- building a labyrinth with Lego then walking a Lego person through it
- Using string and paper to create a beautiful piece like this one