I thought it might be fun to hear from some other people, so this is the first in a series of guest posts is written by Ed Jones. I love working with Ed as his ability to dream big and be undaunted by practicalities is similar to a five year old. Read on and you’ll see what I mean…
There is that childlike quality I would describe as ‘why-not-ness’, that so often as adults we either bury deep somewhere within ourselves so that it’ll never see the light of day, or simply choose to look shifty and deny it ever existed within our being in the first place. Sadly the loss of it when it comes to ministry across the age ranges, can result in the easy choices being made, the simplest avenues followed and those options that create little or no grief for us being adopted.
For those who know me, my desire to keep the ‘why-not-ness’ alive and well within me has led to numerous crazy ideas coming to be over recent years. Whether it be recreating the feeding of the 5000 out of pipe-cleaners at an open air event (we managed 7000 in 45 minutes), constructing and wielding a 15 foot long arrow made of of cardboard boxes as part of all-age gathering or simply
inviting children to pie members of the team, just because. Some have seen more success than others(whatever that really means), but the point is I want to have a go and where it comes to sharing the difference knowing Jesus makes – I want to have a go and then some, endeavouring to leave nothing in the tank as I do so!
To this end, now based as a pastor of Baptist church in East Sussex, we have just placed an order for over 500 sticker based advent calendars from Godventure! As we already begin to prepare for
Christmas, what I believe is one of the ultimate opportunities in the calendar where outreach and evangelism is concerned, as part of our plans we’re going to give one to every child who attends
the local primary school.
So what some might say! Well take into account for various reasons with enough blame to go around there hasn’t been great opportunities to support and connect into the life of the local
primary school in recent years. Its exactly this sort of picture that cements the mindset of ‘it’ll never work’ or ‘why should we both’. Jesus doesn’t say go into all the world, but when you meet resistance, feel free to take a a day off or not really try. He doesn’t call us to only give our all in areas where there is a warm reception and open doors. I believe we need to be doing everything we can to communicate and share the difference knowing Jesus brings – stepping out of our buildings armed daily with a fresh dose of ‘why-not-‘ness’!
So, how about you? What step will you take? Add to this though that we’re going to ask members of the church to support this, through paying for one, five or ten or more calendars. Not because we want them to cover the cost, but because I want them to be praying for the child, the five, ten or more of them who will receive a calendar. I don’t see that it matters whether they know them by
name or not. Jesus does and I believe He calling us to respond by going yeah, why not!
– Ed Jones