Dip Your Apples in the Honey

Dip some juicy apples in honey to celebrate New Year! Yep, in the Bible (as with northern hemisphere school), New Year is in Autumn. There’s actually three Bible festivals in Autumn, and Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew for Head of the Year) is the first. In our home, we don’t do massive things for these, but I … Read more

8 ways to get your family to stop fighting and be more generous

I wish I could tell you how to stop your children fighting. There’s probably something good about children developing social skills in the home and feeling safe so not restraining their behaviour to please others. But honestly, less fighting and arguing in our home would be quite nice! However, I do have an idea. When … Read more

Advent Party Pack

This pack takes the pain out of organising your own Advent Party, giving you space to do what you’re best at: spend time with people. It’s a downloadable resource with loads of help to plan and prepare a brilliant Advent party. Having run events for families for over a decade, Victoria has put together this … Read more

Christmas Card Prayer Bingo

This is a simple game: you just need to download this sheet then put it up somewhere. Each time you receive a Christmas card, check the sheet to see which picture or pictures are on it. Look at that picture on the sheet to see which blessing or blessings to pray for the person who … Read more

Christmas messages devotional activities

This download has six Bible verses from the Christmas story for you to explore. They are all verses which could be considered relevant to us today, as well as to the people they were first spoken to. Print out the download and use the instructions to explore them as a family together. You can see … Read more

Interactive Advent planning sheet

Advent can be a super busy time, but it’s also a great time to have meaningful and fun times celebrating Jesus together. Get this simple sheet to make a plan with your family of how you will mark Advent this year. It gives you: questions to help you think about what will work best for … Read more

Print Your Own Advent Pocket Cards

A Print Your Own version of the GodVenture Advent Pocket Cards, with 25 cards each with one sentence of the Christmas story. From this download you can cut out 25 mini-cards (including one for Christmas day) and use them inside an Advent Calendar or as part of a treasure hunt or in whatever fun way … Read more

Extra Blessing – devotional for adults and children to do together

This download contains six short, interactive explorations for people of all ages exploring the blessing in Numbers 6:24-26: “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face towards you and give you peace.” Each ‘session’ explore one phrase (as … Read more

Simple Words for Sabbath

This pdf download has a short, simple set of words for you to use over a meal to mark the beginning of your Sabbath. It is a cut down version of our Shabbat ‘service sheet’. Read more about how we mark our Sabbath here, or just download your own sheet and get going!

Paper Dolls

To make your own fun colourful paper dolls you can purchase this printable download. It is a fantastic activity to do with all ages and it comes with instructions on how to use them to pray for people. The pdf download is available after checkout. This activity pairs excellently with the Explore Different devotional!

Things which bring me joy chart

A simple download for you to fill in three things each day which bring you joy. Download, print off and start collecting your reflections on what brings you joy and see your joy increase!

Thanks Chart – rainbow

This pdf download is a simple way to practice being thankful. Just add one thing you are thankful for each day into one of the boxes. Or try doing three! Simply purchase this download for immediate access to the files to print and use.