Thanks Chart – 31 boxes

This is a simple way to practise being thankful, and, if you choose, thanking God for the good things in your life. There are 31 boxes so you have space for something for every day of the month, no matter when you begin. This is a download, available as a pdf and a jpg, and … Read more

Summer Thanks Chart

This download gives you a simple way to be thankful this summer. There are 31 thanks prompts for you to complete, but it’s up to you whether you do them: in order or randomly each day, each week or whenever suits you on your own or with family or a friend When you download the … Read more

Explore Protection in the Bible

This is a simple, accessible and fun resource to explore longing in the Bible. It comes for free as part of the Protection Faith at home mini-mag. It could be used in your family, in your small group or as part of an inter-generational meeting, either face to face or online. The resource simply a … Read more

31 ways to enjoy Autumn

Do you find shorter, darker, grey-er days hard work? Me too! That’s why I’ve made this list of 31 ideas to help me enjoy Autumn, and I thought you might like it too! Click through the checkout and download it – there’s even links to resources and videos to help you on your way 🙂

Review: Reflection Roadmap

Together at home resource for transition

Title: Reflection Roadmap By: Jessica-Anne Jenner Price: £2.50 each or as little as 35p when bought in bulk Published by and available from: Best bit: Lovely artwork, open-ended questions and space to reflect! Worst bit: As a writer and a drawer, I would have liked spaces to write and draw without lines 😉 More … Read more

Bible bingo

game explore Bible devotional for families

I’m always excited to work out a new fun way to explore the Bible and this is a good one! Simply choose 9+ words from a passage you want to explore – this game works well if you have six verses in your passage. Add your words to a Bingo board – simply chart in … Read more

Holy Week Boxes

I don’t know about your children, but mine love things in boxes. So here’s an Easter activity in a box. I’ve used it with my children since they were toddlers, but the simplicity of it lends itself to use with all ages, including adults. And using it each year, gives further depth to each Holy … Read more

Faith as imagining

What is faith? When asked this, I usually get a variety of answers, including belief, trust and action. I recently asked this on Facebook Live, and the answers included hope, trust, or belief in someone or something we can’t see or feel. These answers are a lot like Hebrews 11:1: “Faith is confidence in what … Read more

Godly Play Course Review

I first heard about Godly Play years ago but had no cause or curiosity to follow it up. However, I recently developed both and also opportunity in the form of a course being run 20 minutes from where I live, AND childcare!I found the core training inspiring, challenging and refreshing, and I intend to follow … Read more

Review: Journalling the Psalms

Title: Journalling the Psalms – a guide for prayer and reflection Author: Paula Gooder Cover illustrator: Jack Seymour Published by: Price: RRP £14.99 (£11.35 on Amazon) Good for: anyone wanting to learn more about and reflect on the Psalms. The book is aimed at adults, but could be used by 12+ and families if … Read more


Christmas This is the Get More page with all the links for the Christmas edition of Faith at home. Link 1 Click through the links to a series of short videos of the Christmas story being read by Victoria from GodVenture. There are 10 videos to match the 10 sections of the story in The Whole Christmas Story mini-book (which comes in … Read more