Title: At home in Lent
Written by: Gordon Giles
Published by: BRF
Price: £8.99
Useful for: young people and adults
Best bit: a simple, daily three page read for each day in Lent, each taking a different every-day item as its theme
Worst bit: as a big fan of audio books, I’d love an audio version to listen to!
There are many places in the Bible where God’s people use physical items in their every day lives to connect them to God. This is something which really resonates with me, and so this book, which takes 46 things in my home (doors, toilet, keys etc) and uses them as a way to think about God is right up my street!
If you’re not a Read-A-Bit-Of-A-Book-Every-Day kind of person, there’s also a table of contents, so you can pick an item to read about which suits you.
There’s no pictures, so there’s not much for visual people, but if you wanted you could collect a series of items or photos of items to give yourself something visual to go with the book.
It’s not specifically a book to share with children, but because of the place of every day objects, I can imagine it would be easy to read the section for the day then share about it with your children if you wanted.