Faithful Families for Lent, Easter and Resurrection

Title: Faithful Families for Lent, Easter and Resurrection
Author: Traci Smith
Published by: Chalice Press
Price: £9.59
Best for: families looking for simple, spiritual ways to mark Lent and Easter together
Best bit: by focusing on spiritual practice, Traci gives us a great range of options to try, while encouraging us to choose only a few and to have grace for ourselves
Worst bit: As a visual person, I would love to have pictures of the various activities
This book is an easy read, and Traci’s approach is very gentle, encouraging us to focus on the life and resurrection of Jesus rather than on the gruesome details of his death. (She’s not saying avoid his death, but rather not to focus on the details with younger children.)
Traci gives an excellent introduction, which includes encouragement to choose some of the activities and set intentions, without setting ourselves up for guilt and being realistic about what ‘doing spiritual practice’ with a family actual looks like (messy!).
She then offers simple, spiritual prayers and activities for Lent, Holy Week and Eastertide (the weeks after Easter Sunday), all of which are easy to do and simple enough for families to give a go.
The book is short enough to flip through in an hour or so, leaving plenty of time for choosing and doing activities.
I’d definitely recommend it for any families wanting simple, spiritual ideas for Lent and Easter.