Title: Go Colour: The Lord’s Prayer*
Author: Youth For Christ (with thanks to Sarah Joy, Tom Spicer and Jo Squires and Steve Squires)
Price: £4.99 (or £11.99 for the pack of 3 books)
Published by and available from: YFC
*This is part of a series, including Go Colour Psalms and Go Colour Prayer
Good for: families with children age 5-10 years wanting an interactive way to explore the Bible.
Best bit: Really thick paper so colouring won’t show through, lovely pictures and patterns to colour including each line of the Lord’s Prayer, plus lots of questions to chat about.
Worst bit: Quite a lot of reading involved, which is fine for some children in this age group, but it might feel word-heavy for those for whom text isn’t their primary ‘language’.
More thoughts:
We used this together, each taking different parts of the book to colour, and used it alongside listening to the Lord’s Prayer as a song. The book was great for discussing the different parts of the prayer, as well as creating something attractive to help us remember it.
I would love it to come with a download version so we could print it out at A4 or even A3 to make massive posters of the words of the prayer, and to enable us to all colour the same picture together.
I would also have appreciated the pictures of the words of the prayer to not back onto each other so that we could take them out and display them, but that might just be me.
Fab book, and I will be using the others with my family too!