Title: The Lion Storyteller Book of Family Values
By: Bob Hartman and Krisztina Kallai Nagy
Price: £8.00
Published by: Lion Children’s
Perfect for: families looking for a low-key devotional to do with their children aged 3-8 years
Best bit: Bob Hartman’s storytelling is, as always, excellent, while the addition of ideas for acting or play the stories plus open-ended questions and things to chat about will really parents who struggle to make stories engaging.
Worst bit: An unusual combination of world stories and devotional material
More thoughts:
Another really nice hardback, well-illustrated book from Lion, this book has over 30 stories which could be used with one child or as a family devotional for families who would rather start with a story and discover links with God and the Bible as they go.
The breadth of stories is really wide, and adults will definitely be reading many of them for the first time too, which will make the discussions around them more genuine and interesting.
There is a helpful How To Use This Book page, which I’d recommend reading before you start, as each story has lots of extra things to help you make it very interactive and relevant to your readers.