Title: Wingfeather Tales – seven thrilling stories from the world of Aerwiar
Editor: Andrew Peterson
Authors: Andrew Peterson, Jennifer Trafton, N. D. Wilson, A. S. Peterson, Jonathan Rogers, and Douglas McKelvey
Illustrations: Justin Gerard, Hein Zaayman, Cory Godbey, John Hendrix, Nicholas Kole, Aedan Peterson, Joe Sutphin, Jay Myers, and Doug TenNapel
Published by: Hodder Faith
Price: £12.99
Good for: Anyone who’s enjoyed The Wingfeather Saga
Best bit: Having finished the series, I loved diving back into the world of Aerwiar, and discovering the back story of young Podo and the sea dragons, but I know readers in my house will adore the first-ever Wingfeather graphic novel style comic by Andrew Peterson.
Worst bit: It’s an awesome book, so it’s hard to comment,
If you’ve ever chatted with me about children’s books, you will know how much I love the Wingfeather Saga. I started reading book 1 to myself as a test to make sure they would be ok for my children (then around 8 and 9) and I couldn’t stop, and ended up reading the whole series! And then again to my children. And then listening to them multiple times on Audible too. We LOVE the Wingfeathers!
I came across Wingfeather Tales by accident when looking for the other books. At first my children weren’t keen, but what them in was listening to the introduction by Andrew Peterson. It was so lush to hear him talking about how he created Aerwiar and the characters, and also to hear how he’s involved other writers in creating stories in the world – not additions to the story – he says he won’t do that – but stories from the time before the last story ends. I was concerned the stories wouldn’t be up to his standard, but they are beautifully written.
If you’ve not yet read The Wingfeather Saga don’t start here, but if you’ve enjoyed it, this is a treat and a delight, taking the wonder further and deeper.