Question: How can I do Bible times for under 2s?

I was asked this question today relating to under 2s in a toddler group, but my answer could apply to any group or home situation. I love under 2s, but they are often ignored as they can’t draw or write or talk or walk or … well, the list goes on. However, God doesn’t seem … Read more

Connect with questions

Some things have changed totally over the last few months, and some things haven’t really. Our need for human contact, to be able to speak and be listened to are still the same, if perhaps more apparent due to time apart. Despite us ‘all being in this together’, every family is having a unique pandemic … Read more

Review: We Shine CD Album

It’s not often I listen to a children’s worship album and enjoy it, actually enjoy listening to it, such that I put it on when my children are not around! I LOVE this album! Details below… Title: We Shine Author: Vineyard Worship UK & Ireland Price: £11.99 direct or £7.99 on Amazon, but available on a … Read more

Fun ways to learn a Bible verse together

When I was growing up, I went to a church where we learnt a memory verse each week. This doesn’t seem very fashionable nowadays, and maybe one a week is far too many, but learning Bible verses off by heart is a fabulous way to be able to carry God’s word in our hearts wherever … Read more

Exploring the Bible together experiment week #4

We’re four weeks in to our six week experiment with an intergenerational small group on Zoom. (Read how it started here.) Last week, as I read part of the psalm, it had nice repeats in it which I thought lent itself to singing it (obviously, as it’s a psalm!), so we agreed that each family … Read more

Review: What is God like?

Rachel Held Evans

Title: What is God like? Author: Rachel Held Evans and Matthew Paul Turner RRP: £15.99 (hardback book) Published by: Random House Available from: Book Depository for £11.54 Perfect for: curious children age 3 to 10 years old wanting to discuss this big question, and parents wanting to give answers which inspire awe, wonder and a desire to … Read more

Zechariah’s story

Zechariah’s story This year, the GodVenture Sticker Advent Calendar starts with the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth. Someone online was asking for ideas for this story in an All-Age service, so here are some ideas: I might engage with the different generations involved in this bit of the story: An older (part child-bearing age) couple A younger … Read more

Grieving with children

Last week a tragedy happened in a town near us when two young boys were killed in a hit-and-run. One mother whose daughter knew the boys contacted me asking if I knew of any resources to help them. As it happens, we’ve had a family bereavement this week, as my Grandad died at the age … Read more

Cushion Prayer (or Silent Prayers)

Teaching Children to Pray This may not immediately seem like an idea for children, but more and more research and experience show how little space we all have in our lives and how some quiet and silence can help us connect with God. This activity is inspired by Rachel Turner’s Parenting for a life of … Read more

Christmas art meditation using The Glorious Impossible

I love this book! It’s the Christmas and Easter stories told by the eloquent Madeleine L’Engle illustrated with frescoes from the Scrovegni Chapel by Giotto. You can see my review of the book here, but this post is about how I’ve used the pictures and story in this book to meditate on the Christmas story … Read more

Lectio 365 night time prayers

lectio365 night time prayers devotional

This has been a game-changer in our home! My 9-year-old daughter has struggled, particularly this year (no surprises there) to get to sleep, often spending a long time thinking of things, often anxiously. Last week, the excellent Lectio365 created by Pete Grieg and the 24/7Prayer team with CWR, launched Night Prayers. We started using it … Read more


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