Exploring the Bible together experiment week #1

For a long time now I’ve been in favour of adults and children growing in faith together. I’ve led all-age services, done training for family and childrens’ workers and even run family activity days all with the intention of helping people experience and understand the joy which comes from intergenerational church done well. For me … Read more

Easter Audio Story

If you have looked at reading the Easter story together as a family, you may have noticed that it’s a LOT longer than the Christmas story! One easy way to take in the whole Easter story in one or only a few episodes is to listen to it! There are loads of great audio Bibles … Read more

Bible verses to equip us for life

We’re heading into a new season, so what better time to think about some intentions for the season ahead! One thing I aim to do with my children during the 18 or so years they live with us to help them create a collection of Bible verses in their heads and hearts, so that as … Read more

A Short Exploration of HOPE in Hebrew

Over twenty years ago I spent nine months working in an orphanage in Mozambique. While I was there, I became aware of suffering and injustice I had never dreamed could exist, including the personal hardship of many beautiful people I met. I found it very hard to hold on to my faith in a loving … Read more

Faith at home using household items

It’s sometimes easy to feel that to do faith at home we need lots of resources and materials. I’m very into having specific items to do faith at-home activities. I love my Godly Play sets for sharing Bible stories and playing with them as we explore where we are in the stories. However, I believe … Read more

Developing faith at home through open-ended activities

I love open-end activities. They provide choice and freedom which lead to deep exploration and creativity. They are easy to set up, are suitable for any age or size of group, and you can use the same materials each time. They provide a safe space to explore spiritual things including Bible stories and how they … Read more

Review: Deborah and Jael

Title: Deborah and Jael Author: Lucy Rycroft Illustrator: Beth Aulton Price: £6.99 Published by and available from: The Hope-filled Family Good for: anyone with children age 3-10 years old Best bit: lovely rhyming story-portrait of two Bible women, lovely pictures too Worst bit: occasionally the rhyme feels a little forced, but my children didn’t notice, … Read more

Faith at home in a time of Coronavirus

Like me, I’m sure you’re wondering what the next few weeks and months will be like, and what preparations you can make. As we are all going to be spending more time at home, and not going to church services and groups, it seems like a good time to plan how we can grow in … Read more

Breath Prayer Guided Meditation

You may well have come across Sarah Bessey and her Breath Prayers for Anxious Times. (NB The full post from Sarah is behind a paywall, but if you leave your email, it won’t cost you a thing!) I love using this myself, so I’ve adapted it into a guided meditation which I use with my … Read more

Holy Week Boxes

I don’t know about your children, but mine love things in boxes. So here’s an Easter activity in a box. I’ve used it with my children since they were toddlers, but the simplicity of it lends itself to use with all ages, including adults. And using it each year, gives further depth to each Holy … Read more

Chalk Bible Landscape for Small World Play Story Telling

My children love small world play. When they play with Lego, they make models then use them to create a world and tell a story. They love Play Mobil (although not as much as me!), and any sort of small toy they can tell stories with, so this is an easy way for me to … Read more

Thanks Jar

Thankfulness is so powerful! It really does change how we see our lives, and encourages us when things are tricky. This activity is a way of identifying, focusing on and being thankful for the good things in our lives. You could make a thanks jar at any time of year, but I especially like starting ours on January 1st and reading … Read more