The Curly Hair Method for faith at home

I recently discovered I have curly hair. Having brushed and blow dried my hair for 30+ years, I knew that if I left it wet it went frizzy. But after a drastic cut from mid-back length to a short bob, out popped curls! If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the amount of stuff you’ve been told you could/should do to help your family grow in faith, why not take my Curly Hair approach:

50 Faith at Home Ideas for Christmas

Christmas is a great time to celebrate Jesus. However, it is also a very busy time, so we need to be intentional. Each year I try to prioritise three activities to help us: The list below is a collection of ideas, one or two of which might be just right for your family this year. … Read more


A nibble can be just right whether it is faith at home or snacks. I am totally in love with my mini muffin tin. Actually, It’s not a tin—it’s a silicon mold. I use it to make all sorts of things—cakes and frittatas—not just muffins! I held off buying one for ages, because I thought, … Read more

The BEST IDEAS for your family faith at home this Summer

I’m a strong believer in the uniqueness of every family and that you need to find things which work for your family in the season you’re currently in. However, that doesn’t mean you need hundreds of ideas so I’ve made a list of suggestions for you to choose the BEST idea for your family, based … Read more

Keep it close

Outside our back door is a table and chairs where I’m aiming to eat as many meals as possible this summer. Next to the table is a big pot with salad leaves in it. I’ve found that, while my children in general avoid green food (except peas and olives!), they are much more interested in … Read more

Don’t wait for perfect

family devos

This week I was re-filling my flour jar, and I found a bag of wholemeal flour at the back of my cupboard. It’s bag which I drove across town to get from a friend last March when flour was really hard to get hold of! Was it just me that got flour crazy? Anyway, because … Read more

Christmas at Home Activities

Below is a collection of faith at home activities for Christmas. Use this list to inspire your own activities, choosing things which really work for your family. Here are Some articles to help you choose the activities which are right for your family: Here’s the mega-list of Christmas activities: Things to do each day in Advent … Read more

Faith at home every day

For me, for faith at home to work, it has to be part of my every day life. We have special things we do at certain points in each week and each year, but the reality of our faith really starts to change our lives when it’s part of what we do each day. I’m … Read more

Faith at Home Rhythms

rhythm faith family devotions

“I got rhythm, I got music, I got my man. Who could ask for anything more.” Ella Fitzgerald We all love rhythm. It is one of the first things accessible to us. Have you seen a baby moving their body in time with music? This is because before we understand words or can hold a … Read more