Handwashing Prayers

I love to make sorry prayers into an activity. The idea for this one is that cleaning our hands is a metaphor for the forgiveness Jesus gives us. Gather: All you need is a bowl of water and a towel. What does the Bible say: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive … Read more

Breath Prayer Guided Meditation

You may well have come across Sarah Bessey and her Breath Prayers for Anxious Times. (NB The full post from Sarah is behind a paywall, but if you leave your email, it won’t cost you a thing!) I love using this myself, so I’ve adapted it into a guided meditation which I use with my … Read more

Holy Week Boxes

I don’t know about your children, but mine love things in boxes. So here’s an Easter activity in a box. I’ve used it with my children since they were toddlers, but the simplicity of it lends itself to use with all ages, including adults. And using it each year, gives further depth to each Holy … Read more

Chalk Bible Landscape for Small World Play Story Telling

My children love small world play. When they play with Lego, they make models then use them to create a world and tell a story. They love Play Mobil (although not as much as me!), and any sort of small toy they can tell stories with, so this is an easy way for me to … Read more

Review: Go Colour series

Title: Go Colour: The Lord’s Prayer* Author: Youth For Christ (with thanks to Sarah Joy, Tom Spicer and Jo Squires and Steve Squires) Price: £4.99 (or £11.99 for the pack of 3 books) Published by and available from: YFC *This is part of a series, including Go Colour Psalms and Go Colour Prayer Good for: … Read more

Hands on faith with under fives

“I do it! I do it BY MYSELF!” It’s a cry we often here from young children, desperate to be independent and master skills. It’s something my husband and I chose to intentionally nurture when our children were young, especially as they are only 18 months apart in age. I remember number 1 coming into … Read more

Thanks Jar

Thankfulness is so powerful! It really does change how we see our lives, and encourages us when things are tricky. This activity is a way of identifying, focusing on and being thankful for the good things in our lives. You could make a thanks jar at any time of year, but I especially like starting ours on January 1st and reading … Read more

Advent Colouring Meditation

A simple activity for Advent is to do some colouring meditation. Download this beautiful nativity colouring poster and print it at whatever size suits you. Spend time together colouring and listening to Christmas carols or worship music or the Christmas story from an audio Bible. Chat and think and chew over the wonder of the … Read more

Research and Celebrate St Nicholas

One thing we’ve found helpful during December is to celebrate Saint Nicholas. There are lots of lovely story books out there about him, and his story is a combination of fact and myth. What I love is that our traditions of gift giving and specifically Father Christmas are linked to him. I really like this … Read more

Lollystick Stable

Make your own nativity scene using lollysticks, paper, glue and pencils Glue 4 or 5 lolly sticks together to create a house. If you use 5, you can make a pointed roof. To make this fast, you could use a glue gun (You can get cool ones for children to use too).Next glue a piece … Read more

Thanks Doodles

August thanks doodle picture prayer

This month I’ve been doodling my thanks to God, each day aiming to draw three little symbols or pictures of things I’m thankful for. I find it helps focus my heart in the morning, making me aware of the good things right now in my life, and connecting me with The Giver of Gifts. I … Read more