How celebrating Passover could be good for your faith at home

Why would you celebrate Passover if you’re not Jewish? Such a good question! We’ve been celebrating Passover for over ten years now. Our children have grown up in a home where it’s the norm and each year we’ve invited other people to join us. In some ways, we celebrate Passover because we celebrate a weekly … Read more

Toys to tell the Easter Story

Meet children at their level I’m a big fan of using toys to tell Bible stories. Since the Easter story is one of the hardest to share with children, using toys is one way we can make it more accessible. One of the great things about using toys instead of a book is that you … Read more

Crown Christmas Cards

I found these little wooden crowns in The Range where they are £1 for 12. I thought they would make nice Christmas cards, since Christmas is celebrating the birthday of the king of Kings! Here are a few ideas: Cut out squares of paper in ever decreasing sizes. Glue them onto the card, largest first, … Read more

8 ways to use the Nativity I-spy Colouring Poster

I love colouring and I love Christmas, so this Nativity I-spy Colouring Poster is a perfect combination. I’m also a big fan of using the activities we do around Christmas to celebrate Jesus in some way, so here are some ideas on how you can use this colouring poster: 1 Just colour it. Use it … Read more

Review: Dave the Donkey

Title: Dave the Donkey Author and Illustrator: Andrew McDonough Published by: Malcolm Down Price: £5.99 Useful for: children age 3-8 Best bit: Fun re-telling of Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem, death and resurrection from the view point of the Palm Sunday donkey! Worst bit: Very fast re-telling, with few details of the Easter story – for … Read more

A Family Passover Celebration

We’ve celebrated Passover in our home for a number of years now, and each year it’s different, as we adapt it around who will be there. We tend to have a big feast-like meal interspersed with parts of the service (seder). We include elements which we use each week in our Shabbat meal, for example … Read more

10 Things To Do With A Godventure Through the Life of Jesus

It’s sticker activity book, so it’s got limited uses? Really?! How about these 10 ideas of things you could do with A GodVenture through the life of Jesus: Use it with your family for 12 weeks, using one page each week. Use it with your family during the summer holidays Lent, starting at page 16 (Passover) which gives you … Read more

Review: Jesus and the storm

Lost Sheep book of Jesus calms the storm

Title: Jesus and the storm By: Andrew McDonough Price: £6.99 Published by and available from: Sarah Grace / Malcolm Down Good for: children age 0 – 11 Best bit: Jesus saying: “Down, waves, down! Do not even wiggle!” And the suggestion to do some snoring practice on Cecil’s page at the back!! Worst bit: My children … Read more

Guest post: A different Holy Week Box

Naomi Elliott is helping children play as a way of learning and growing in their faith. She’s passionate about open-ended play (where children are free to create their own rules and meaning) and using natural and easy-to-come-by items rather than expensive, bought items. In this post she shares about a Holy Week Box she’s created: I … Read more

Review: The Newborn King

Title: The Newborn King By: Sarah J. Dod and Raffaella Ligi Price: £5.99 Published by: Lion Available from: Eden Good for: children aged 3-7 years Best bit: Lovely artwork and tone of the storytelling, which makes all the characters feel real Worst bit: There is what I would consider additional elements added which aren’t in the … Read more

Review: The Gift of Christmas

Title: The Gift of Christmas – The boy who blessed the world By: Mary Joslin and Kristina Swarner Price: £7.78 Published by: Lion Good for: children age 5-10 years Best bit: Lovely, whimsical artwork and a re-telling of the story which is very close to the Bible version told in Luke and Matthew. It also … Read more