Christmas Carol Bingo!


We’re planning to go to a carol service at the weekend, and I wondered how familiar my children would be with the songs, so I contacted the person in charge and asked what carols they would be singing. They sent me the list, saying that they hoped they wouldn’t get in trouble for sharing secrets!!! … Read more

Fun ways to learn a Bible verse together

When I was growing up, I went to a church where we learnt a memory verse each week. This doesn’t seem very fashionable nowadays, and maybe one a week is far too many, but learning Bible verses off by heart is a fabulous way to be able to carry God’s word in our hearts wherever … Read more

Review: We Shine CD Album

It’s not often I listen to a children’s worship album and enjoy it, actually enjoy listening to it, such that I put it on when my children are not around! I LOVE this album! Details below… Title: We Shine Author: Vineyard Worship UK & Ireland Price: £11.99 direct or £7.99 on Amazon, but available on a … Read more

Learning a Psalm with Collage and Playlists

I love being able to recite verses from the Bible. It means it’s easy for them to be brought to mind when I need them, and easier to meditate and chew over them. As a child, we did a lot of this and I want this to be something I pass on to my children. … Read more