Seven Simple Ways to Celebrate Easter

Over the years, we’ve celebrated Easter in many creative ways. (See my mega list of ideas here!) However, some years it’s necessary or even good to pair everything back and just do something simple and meaningful, and perhaps also fun. Here’s seven simple Easter ideas: I hope that inspires you to do something simple this … Read more

Light Up Stick Star

This is a really simple activity, but it involves getting out for walk in nature first – something I highly recommend if, like us, you find people going a bit stir-crazy indoors sometimes. There’s nothing like being outdoors to help reset us! When you’re out, challenge everyone to collect FIVE similar length sticks. When you … Read more

Praying with Christmas lights

This is a simple adaption of something lots of families do each year: Go and see the lights. I remember when I was little, occasionally my Dad would take us in the car to central London to drive through all the busy, light-decorated streets. It was a highlight of our Christmas season. With my own … Read more

Pentecost fire!

When the Spirit came to God’s people at Pentecost, they saw what looked like flames of fire land on each of them. Choose a way to watch flames safely. You could: • light some tealights • light birthday candles • have a BBQ • light a fire in a fire pit • watch a video … Read more

Pinwheel Prayers

At Pentecost, when the Spirit came God’s people heard a sound like a rushing wind. Acts 2:1-2 Jesus also said: “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” John 3:8 Let’s use the wind … Read more

10 fun Bible and prayer activities to do outside

I’ve talked a lot recently about how being outside is a great way to worship and connect with God see HERE and HERE. Since it’s now Summer, the bees are busy and we have fewer and fewer excuses not to spend time outside. So I thought I’d share some ideas for focused faith activities which … Read more

Easter Story Treasure Hunt

Here’s a really simple, fun and meaningful Easter activity – an Easter story treasure hunt. It’s created to work with your family at home or as part of a group or service – anywhere you want to have fun while exploring the Easter story together. You can source your own pictures, but to make it … Read more

Bible story treasure hunt

In the summer, lots of families have more flexible time which you could use to do a treasure hunt style Bible exploration. Create a simple treasure hunt by choosing a series of locations, depending on the age of your children and the time you have available, and hide a section of the story you want … Read more

1000 hours outside

… is good for your faith! We’re currently in our second year of doing #1000hoursoutside. Whenever I tell people we’re doing it, they either say, Oh yes, we probably do about that each year. I then ask them really? It’s just over 3 hours a day EVERY DAY, including the days it’s super cold, windy … Read more

Nature is the first cathedral

We’re currently in our second year of doing #1000hoursoutside. For me, the most important thing is not HOW we’re achieving that (more on that next time) but WHY. We’re intentionally spending loads of time outside because it’s good for us, (again, more on that next time) and it gives us a way to regularly worship … Read more

Pinwheel Prayers

This is a simple activity using pinwheels to think about God’s Spirit being like the wind and to pray using them. This is a great one for under 5s, but everyone might enjoy this very tangible way to pray. What do I need to begin Pinwheel Prayers? To begin, you will need a pinwheel! Perhaps … Read more

10 Outside Places to Read The Bible or Pray

Sounds simple, but if you’re enjoying doing things outdoors, take your ‘God time together’ outside too. Maybe do what you usually do, or maybe try something a bit different. You may find the change in venue makes it different anyway, and perhaps allows you to pray or explore the Bible together at a different time … Read more