Here’s an activity to explore a well known part of the Christmas Bible story.
Read Luke 1:26-38, preferably from a read-aloud-family-friendly Bible such as the Contemporary English Version. (It sounds like a lot to read, but it’s only really 3 paragraphs.)
You might like to try this Bible idea for helping everyone concentrate:
Invent an action for the words ‘Mary’ and ‘angel’ and do theme each time the words appear during the passage. (There are 52 more Bible ideas like this in Bible GodVenture52)
Some of the angel’s message was especially for Mary, but these part of the message God has said to lots of His people:
God is with you! (v.28)

Don’t be afraid! (v.30)
Nothing is impossible for God! (v.37)
Take it in turns to write, draw or talk about a situation in which you need to remember one of these messages. E.g. a time when you feel alone or afraid, or something you are praying for which seems impossible.
For younger children, you might want to pick just one, maybe God is with you and just focus on that. Adults may prefer to think of a situation for each.
Ask God to help you remember His message to you.
You might like to share a story of when God did something ‘impossible’.
For more ideas and Activities to explore at Christmas visit my 50 Faith at home ideas for Christmas here.