Children’s Spirituality and its relevance to family life

I used to think spirituality wasn’t a Christian thing. It seemed a bit of a diversion from or dilution of Christian faith. However, when I read Rebecca Nye’s book Childrens’ Spirituality – what it is and why it matters over, I began to realise that spirituality is at the heart of faith. Without it, all … Read more

How to run a fun Online Advent Party

I ran a couple of really fun parties during Lock Down and it’s definitely possible to keep it simple and therefore easy to run! Here are some keys to keeping it fun: Be intentional Before you start to plan your party, as with a face to face event, it’s crucial that you clarify what you’re … Read more

Review: Investigate! Understanding God – The Christian Faith

lion hudson

Title:  Investigate! Understanding God – The Christian Faith Author: Sophie de Mullenheim Illustrator: Sophie Chaussade Price: RRP £10.99 available for £9.67 Published by: Lion Hudson Perfect for: children age 7 – 11 wanting to explore different aspects of the Christian faith Best bit: fab cartoons of Thomas and Sophie who are the Investigators, plus brilliant links between … Read more

Say it, smash it!

easy and fun way to learn a Bible verse

This is a really fun way to learn a Bible verse! Just write the words in the verse on eggs clean, empty egg shells, one word per shell. (We wash ours with soapy water then leave to dry.) Then put them out on a table in a random order and challenge everyone to see if they … Read more

Guest post: A different Holy Week Box

Naomi Elliott is helping children play as a way of learning and growing in their faith. She’s passionate about open-ended play (where children are free to create their own rules and meaning) and using natural and easy-to-come-by items rather than expensive, bought items. In this post she shares about a Holy Week Box she’s created: I … Read more

Exploring the Bible Together Experiment Week #3

This week was week 3 of our experiment. Our group: 2 adults, 5 children age 8-12 years old This week I managed to get the tech set up on time, and slightly re-arranged our lounge to give us enough seats to comfortably sit and all be able to see and be seen. This really helped … Read more

Exploring the Bible together experiment week #2

This is the second post about an experiment in intergenerational Bible study. After last week, I asked both families in our ‘group’ (mine and one other), to have a chat about how it went, if they liked it and if they’d like to do it again. The consensus was ‘yes’, so we applied our learning … Read more

Exploring the Bible together experiment week #1

For a long time now I’ve been in favour of adults and children growing in faith together. I’ve led all-age services, done training for family and childrens’ workers and even run family activity days all with the intention of helping people experience and understand the joy which comes from intergenerational church done well. For me … Read more

A Short Exploration of HOPE in Hebrew

Over twenty years ago I spent nine months working in an orphanage in Mozambique. While I was there, I became aware of suffering and injustice I had never dreamed could exist, including the personal hardship of many beautiful people I met. I found it very hard to hold on to my faith in a loving … Read more