Pancake prayers

It’s always good to thank God for the good things in our lives. Here’s a fun and simple way to pray while eating yummy pancakes. Add sugar (or something else sweet, chocolate spread…mmmm) to your pancake and thank God for something ‘sweet’ or good in your life. God intended life to be good, but it … Read more

Bible story pictures – the Emmaus Road story

I’m doing the Easter day intergenerational service at our church this year and am focusing on the Emmaus Road story (Luke 24:13-35). I really like it this resurrection story for a few reasons: 1 It includes a mini recap of Jesus’ life and death (v19-24), giving context to the story which is helpful when reading … Read more

24 Christmas Books

Wrap up 24 Christmas-y books then unwrap and read one a day during Advent. All you need to do is collect* and wrap up 24 Christmas books and number them 1—24. Open one a day and share together. I found seven Christmas books for £5.80 in three of my local charity/ secondhand book shops, so … Read more

10 fun Bible and prayer activities to do outside

I’ve talked a lot recently about how being outside is a great way to worship and connect with God see HERE and HERE. Since it’s now Summer, the bees are busy and we have fewer and fewer excuses not to spend time outside. So I thought I’d share some ideas for focused faith activities which … Read more

A Family Passover Celebration

We’ve celebrated Passover in our home for a number of years now, and each year it’s different, as we adapt it around who will be there. We tend to have a big feast-like meal interspersed with parts of the service (seder). We include elements which we use each week in our Shabbat meal, for example … Read more

Duplo Prayer

I love finding ways to pray with young children. This works from the age where a child can point, and works well for any age above that! All you need to do is build two things, buildings, trains, whatever your children enjoy. Chat at your build them, and give them each a name of a … Read more

Duplo Prayer

A really simple way to pray without using words is to build a Duplo house and give it a title such as: The House of Peace. Invite people to choose a Duplo person to represent someone they know who needs more peace / they’d like God bless with peace and put them inside the house. … Read more

Fridge Magnets Thanks

Write things you are thankful for with fridge magnets. You could use the words in a spoken time of prayer, for example before a meal once a week. I find this allows us to pray for things which we might not think are ‘important enough’ in a spoken prayer time, for example, I would thank … Read more

Handwashing Prayers

I love to make sorry prayers into an activity. The idea for this one is that cleaning our hands is a metaphor for the forgiveness Jesus gives us. Gather: All you need is a bowl of water and a towel. What does the Bible say: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive … Read more

Breath Prayer Guided Meditation

You may well have come across Sarah Bessey and her Breath Prayers for Anxious Times. (NB The full post from Sarah is behind a paywall, but if you leave your email, it won’t cost you a thing!) I love using this myself, so I’ve adapted it into a guided meditation which I use with my … Read more

Holy Week Boxes

I don’t know about your children, but mine love things in boxes. So here’s an Easter activity in a box. I’ve used it with my children since they were toddlers, but the simplicity of it lends itself to use with all ages, including adults. And using it each year, gives further depth to each Holy … Read more