8 Ways Your Church can Explore Generosity in 2023

As you know, GodVenture is all about inspiring and helping families do faith at home, but my resources can also be used in a church setting! Read on to find out how! THE GENEROSITY RESOURCES FROM GODVENTURE Here some ways you could use it in your church. Why not send a link to this post to your church leader?

Bible with picture signs

Make picture/word signs of keywords and challenge everyone to hold them up as they hear each word in the passage. This activity works well with non-narrative passages, such as John 6 which is where Jesus says: I am the bread of life. It’s a good way to help people pay attention to the words, and … Read more

DIY Christmas Play

A family Christmas play

Put on a simple fun play as a family, or with a few friends. Obviously, you can make up your own play. Have fun with costumes and set! When my children were 7 and 9, they worked on doing a secret Christmas play together, but it was a bit tricky with only 2, and the 9 … Read more