How to use your (play mobil) nativity set to explore the Christmas storyA friend of mine has bought a Play Mobil nativity set and asked if I had any ideas on how...
50 Faith at Home Ideas for ChristmasChristmas is a great time to celebrate Jesus. However, it is also a very busy time, so we need to...
How to do faith at home at ChristmasAdvent and Christmas are notoriously busy. So much so, that there could be a case for not bothering to try...
8 ways to use the Nativity I-spy Colouring PosterI love colouring and I love Christmas, so this Nativity I-spy Colouring Poster is a perfect combination. I’m also a...
Doing Autumn the Leviticus WayEvery Autumn, there’s a distinct feel of New Year in the air. Whether you have school children in your home...
Dip Your Apples in the HoneyDip some juicy apples in honey to celebrate New Year! Yep, in the Bible (as with northern hemisphere school), New...
Bible story treasure huntIn the summer, lots of families have more flexible time which you could use to do a treasure hunt style...
A picture meditation for PentecostThis picture was created by Peter Privett, part of Godly Play UK. If you’d like more Pentecost activities, you might...